This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Developer Formatter


Create a better display of codes on your page/blog.
For everybody that publish examples, source-code and some tips about a specific language.
This plugin do use of GeSHi highlight system, so you will have support for more then 110 languages, including PHP, ASP, Html, JavaScript, CSS, Java, Python, Delphi, C++, C, Visual Basic and much more.

New features:

  • Non-obstructive filter integration.
  • Syntax highlighting with Style attribute enabled.
  • Syntax highlighting using AJAX.
  • Syntax highlighting in RSS 2.0 feeds.
  • Syntax highlighting with PRE tags .
  • Syntax highlighting in comments.
  • Start line number configuration.
  • Hide toolbar for a code block.
  • CSS !important to for better style.
  • New code theme (Summer)


  • The new button on the TinyMCE editor.
  • The final display of a Code with DevFormatter.
  • The DevFormatter interface on the preview page.
  • The DevFormatter interface.


  1. Upload devformatter directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Ota lisäosa käyttöön WordPress hallintapaneelin Lisäosat kohdassa
  3. Configure as needed on WordPress Settings / DevFormatter


IF YOU’RE SEEING A MESSAGE LIKE THIS ”failed to open stream: Permission denied”
YOU HAVE TO CHANGE CHMOD TO 777 ON ”wp-content/plugins/devformatter/geshi/geshi”


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