This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Fix missing property app_id


This plugin is usefull to website owners who share links from their website on Facebook. If you debug your website URL with the Facebook Sharing Debugger you might see a warning with the following message.

Missing Properties: The following required properties are missing: fb:app_id

This plugin inserts the required meta property with the given app_id. You have to create a facebook app to get the app_id!

To create a facebook app, visit Facebook Developers

  1. Register or Login to your account.
  2. Click My Apps, then click Create to create a new App
  3. When the app is created and you are in the app dashboard click settings and select Basic

That is the App ID you need to copy.

On your WordPress Admin:

  1. Download and activate the plugin
  2. Go to Tools -> Fix missing FB app_id.
  3. Paste the app_id you copied in the given field.
  4. Click Save


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  • Initial release version.