Lisäosan avainsana: style
Draggable Images Block
(0 arvosanat yhteensä)Add and move images in your Gutenberg block as you like.
Snap Tales – User, Post, Product and Admin Stories, Integrated with BuddyPress and PeepSo
(0 arvosanat yhteensä)Snap Tales – Instagram Style Stories, Integrated with BuddyPress and PeepSo. You can set up Post and Product stories manually or via WP-Admin.
DiyStyle – Elementor addon for Vita Theme
(0 arvosanat yhteensä)Diystyle is a custom plugin for Vita WordPress theme
Titlebar Effect
(0 arvosanat yhteensä)Plugin for animating titlebar text. This will use to get your users’ attention when they open a new tab in the browser.
Comments – wpDesign
(0 arvosanat yhteensä)Provides both message and reply to help you communicate others