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  • Foorumi Teemat ja mallit
    In reply to: Mobiili valikko
    Thread Starter nizogo


    Tämä ratkeskin jo.

    Thread Starter nizogo


    Taino, toimii silloin kun haluaa, elikkä tosi epävakaasti

    Thread Starter nizogo


    Nyt alkoi toimimaan! Kiitos sulle paljon!

    Thread Starter nizogo


    Valkoista ruutua tulee tuollakin koodilla :/

    Thread Starter nizogo


    Aktivoin, mutta kaatu koko wordpress, eli kaikki sivut ja ohjausnäkymä oli valkoinen..

    Eli miten teen tuon pluginin koodin, noista kahdesta ym. functions koodista?

    Thread Starter nizogo


    Eli siis käytännössä tämä tehdään miten?

    kopioin hello dollystä alun

     * @package Hello_Dolly
     * @version 1.6
    Plugin Name: Hello Dolly
    Plugin URI:
    Description: This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from <cite>Hello, Dolly</cite> in the upper right of your admin screen on every page.
    Author: Matt Mullenweg
    Version: 1.6
    Author URI:

    ja laitoin forefront teeman functions.php tuohon alle

    if ( function_exists( 'generate_blog_get_defaults' ) ) :
    	if ( !function_exists( 'forefront_new_blog_defaults' ) ) :
    		add_filter( 'generate_blog_option_defaults','forefront_new_blog_defaults' );
    		function forefront_new_blog_defaults()
    			$new_defaults = array(
    				'excerpt_length' => '55',
    				'read_more' => __('Read more...','generate_blog'),
    				'masonry' => 'false',
    				'masonry_width' => 'width2',
    				'masonry_most_recent_width' => 'width4',
    				'masonry_load_more' => __('+ More','generate_blog'),
    				'masonry_loading' => 'Loading...',
    				'post_image' => 'true',
    				'post_image_position' => 'post-image-above-header',
    				'post_image_alignment' => 'post-image-aligned-center',
    				'post_image_width' => '',
    				'post_image_height' => '',
    				'date' => 'true',
    				'author' => 'true',
    				'categories' => 'true',
    				'tags' => 'true',
    				'comments' => 'true',
    				'column_layout' => 0,
    				'columns' => '50',
    				'featured_column' => 0
    			return $new_defaults;
    function forefront_setup()
    	if ( !function_exists( 'generate_blog_get_defaults' ) ) :
    		remove_action( 'generate_after_entry_header', 'generate_post_image' );
    		if ( function_exists('generate_page_header') ) :
    			remove_action( 'generate_after_entry_header', 'generate_page_header_post_image' );
    			add_action( 'generate_before_content', 'generate_page_header_post_image' );
     * Add dynamic CSS
     * @since 0.6
    function forefront_custom_css()
    	if ( function_exists( 'generate_spacing_get_defaults' ) ) :
    		$spacing_settings = wp_parse_args(
    			get_option( 'generate_spacing_settings', array() ),
    	if ( function_exists( 'generate_blog_get_defaults' ) ) :
    		$blog_settings = wp_parse_args(
    			get_option( 'generate_blog_settings', array() ),
    	if ( function_exists('generate_spacing_get_defaults') ) :
    		$top_padding = $spacing_settings['content_top'];
    		$right_padding = $spacing_settings['content_right'];
    		$bottom_padding = $spacing_settings['content_bottom'];
    		$left_padding = $spacing_settings['content_left'];
    	else :
    		$top_padding = 40;
    		$right_padding = 40;
    		$bottom_padding = 40;
    		$left_padding = 40;
    	$return = '';
    	if ( function_exists( 'generate_blog_get_defaults' ) ) :
    		if ( '' == $blog_settings['post_image_position'] ) :
    			$return .= '.separate-containers .post-image, .separate-containers .inside-article .page-header-image-single, .separate-containers .inside-article .page-header-image, .separate-containers .inside-article .page-header-content-single, .no-sidebar .inside-article .page-header-image-single, .no-sidebar .inside-article .page-header-image, article .inside-article .page-header-post-image { margin: ' . $bottom_padding . 'px -' . $right_padding . 'px ' . $bottom_padding . 'px -' . $left_padding . 'px }';
    		else :
    			$return .= '.separate-containers .post-image, .separate-containers .inside-article .page-header-image-single, .separate-containers .inside-article .page-header-image, .separate-containers .inside-article .page-header-content-single, .no-sidebar .inside-article .page-header-image-single, .no-sidebar .inside-article .page-header-image, article .inside-article .page-header-post-image { margin: -' . $top_padding . 'px -' . $right_padding . 'px ' . $bottom_padding . 'px -' . $left_padding . 'px }';
    	else :
    		$return .= '.separate-containers .post-image, .separate-containers .inside-article .page-header-image-single, .separate-containers .inside-article .page-header-image, .separate-containers .inside-article .page-header-content-single, .no-sidebar .inside-article .page-header-image-single, .no-sidebar .inside-article .page-header-image, article .inside-article .page-header-post-image { margin: -' . $top_padding . 'px -' . $right_padding . 'px ' . $bottom_padding . 'px -' . $left_padding . 'px }';
    	return $return;
     * Enqueue scripts and styles
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'forefront_scripts', 50 );
    function forefront_scripts() {
    	wp_add_inline_style( 'generate-style', forefront_custom_css() );
     * Reset customizer settings so the child theme shows up
    add_action( 'admin_notices', 'forefront_reset_customizer_settings' );
    function forefront_reset_customizer_settings() {
    	global $pagenow;
    	$generate_settings = get_option('generate_settings');
    	if ( empty($generate_settings) )
    	if ( is_admin() && $pagenow == "themes.php" && isset( $_GET['activated'] ) ) {
    		echo '<div class="updated below-h2">';
    			echo '<p>';
    				_e('<strong>Almost done!</strong> Previous GeneratePress options detected in your database. Please <a href="' . admin_url('themes.php?page=generate-options#gen-delete') . '">click here</a> and delete your current options for Forefront to take full effect.','forefront');
    			echo '</p>';
    		echo '</div>';
    if ( !function_exists( 'forefront_new_defaults' ) ) :
    	add_filter( 'generate_option_defaults','forefront_new_defaults' );
    	function forefront_new_defaults()
    		$new_defaults = array(
    			'hide_title' => '',
    			'hide_tagline' => '',
    			'logo' => '',
    			'container_width' => '1200',
    			'header_layout_setting' => 'contained-header',
    			'center_header' => 'true',
    			'center_nav' => 'true',
    			'nav_alignment_setting' => 'center',
    			'header_alignment_setting' => 'center',
    			'nav_layout_setting' => 'contained-nav',
    			'nav_position_setting' => 'nav-below-header',
    			'nav_search' => 'disable',
    			'nav_dropdown_type' => 'hover',
    			'content_layout_setting' => 'separate-containers',
    			'layout_setting' => 'both-sidebars',
    			'blog_layout_setting' => 'both-sidebars',
    			'single_layout_setting' => 'both-sidebars',
    			'post_content' => 'full',
    			'footer_layout_setting' => 'contained-footer',
    			'footer_widget_setting' => '3',
    			'back_to_top' => '',
    			'background_color' => '#222222',
    			'text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'link_color' => '#1e73be',
    			'link_color_hover' => '#000000',
    			'link_color_visited' => '',
    		return $new_defaults;
     * Set default options
    if ( !function_exists( 'forefront_get_color_defaults' ) ) :
    	add_filter( 'generate_color_option_defaults','forefront_get_color_defaults' );
    	function forefront_get_color_defaults()
    		$forefront_color_defaults = array(
    			'header_background_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'header_text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'header_link_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'header_link_hover_color' => '',
    			'site_title_color' => '#222222',
    			'site_tagline_color' => '#999999',
    			'navigation_background_color' => '#004570',
    			'navigation_text_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'navigation_background_hover_color' => '#013454',
    			'navigation_text_hover_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'navigation_background_current_color' => '#013454',
    			'navigation_text_current_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'subnavigation_background_color' => '#dd5656',
    			'subnavigation_text_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'subnavigation_background_hover_color' => '#E87171',
    			'subnavigation_text_hover_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'subnavigation_background_current_color' => '#E87171',
    			'subnavigation_text_current_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'content_background_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'content_text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'content_link_color' => '',
    			'content_link_hover_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'content_title_color' => '',
    			'blog_post_title_color' => '#2D2D2D',
    			'blog_post_title_hover_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'entry_meta_text_color' => '#888888',
    			'entry_meta_link_color' => '#666666',
    			'entry_meta_link_color_hover' => '#D33232',
    			'h1_color' => '',
    			'h2_color' => '',
    			'h3_color' => '',
    			'sidebar_widget_background_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'sidebar_widget_text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'sidebar_widget_link_color' => '#004570',
    			'sidebar_widget_link_hover_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'sidebar_widget_title_color' => '#000000',
    			'footer_widget_background_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'footer_widget_text_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'footer_widget_link_color' => '#858585',
    			'footer_widget_link_hover_color' => '#6f6f6f',
    			'footer_widget_title_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'footer_background_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'footer_text_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'footer_link_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'footer_link_hover_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'form_background_color' => '#FAFAFA',
    			'form_text_color' => '#666666',
    			'form_background_color_focus' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'form_text_color_focus' => '#666666',
    			'form_border_color' => '#CCCCCC',
    			'form_border_color_focus' => '#BFBFBF',
    			'form_button_background_color' => '#666666',
    			'form_button_background_color_hover' => '#606060',
    			'form_button_text_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'form_button_text_color_hover' => '#FFFFFF'
    		return $forefront_color_defaults;
     * Set default options
    if ( !function_exists('forefront_get_default_fonts') ) :
    	add_filter( 'generate_font_option_defaults','forefront_get_default_fonts' );
    	function forefront_get_default_fonts()
    		$forefront_font_defaults = array(
    			'font_body' => 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
    			'body_font_weight' => 'normal',
    			'body_font_transform' => 'none',
    			'body_font_size' => '15',
    			'font_site_title' => 'Merriweather',
    			'site_title_font_weight' => 'bold',
    			'site_title_font_transform' => 'none',
    			'site_title_font_size' => '60',
    			'mobile_site_title_font_size' => '30',
    			'font_site_tagline' => 'Roboto',
    			'site_tagline_font_weight' => 'normal',
    			'site_tagline_font_transform' => 'none',
    			'site_tagline_font_size' => '15',
    			'font_navigation' => 'Roboto',
    			'navigation_font_weight' => 'normal',
    			'navigation_font_transform' => 'none',
    			'navigation_font_size' => '15',
    			'font_widget_title' => 'Roboto',
    			'widget_title_font_weight' => 'normal',
    			'widget_title_font_transform' => 'none',
    			'widget_title_font_size' => '20',
    			'widget_content_font_size' => '15',
    			'font_heading_1' => 'Roboto',
    			'heading_1_weight' => '300',
    			'heading_1_transform' => 'none',
    			'heading_1_font_size' => '40',
    			'mobile_heading_1_font_size' => '30',
    			'font_heading_2' => 'Roboto',
    			'heading_2_weight' => '300',
    			'heading_2_transform' => 'none',
    			'heading_2_font_size' => '30',
    			'mobile_heading_2_font_size' => '25',
    			'font_heading_3' => 'inherit',
    			'heading_3_weight' => 'normal',
    			'heading_3_transform' => 'none',
    			'heading_3_font_size' => '20',
    			'font_heading_4' => 'inherit',
    			'heading_4_weight' => 'normal',
    			'heading_4_transform' => 'none',
    			'heading_4_font_size' => '15',
    			'footer_font_size' => '17'
    		return $forefront_font_defaults;
     * Prints the Post Image to post excerpts
    if ( ! function_exists( 'forefront_post_image' ) && !function_exists( 'generate_blog_get_defaults' ) ) :
    	add_action( 'generate_before_content', 'forefront_post_image' );
    	function forefront_post_image()
    		if ( !has_post_thumbnail() )
    		if ( 'post' == get_post_type() && !is_single() ) {
    			<div class="post-image">
    				<a href="<?php the_permalink();?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?></a>

    mutta eipä ainakaan noin toiminut 😀

    Thread Starter nizogo


    Ja mites jos functions.php tiedostossa on kanssa ”css” tyyppisiä muotoiluja kuten esim värit. Mites ne saa talteen ettei poistu kun teema päivittyy?

    if ( !function_exists( 'forefront_get_color_defaults' ) ) :
    	add_filter( 'generate_color_option_defaults','forefront_get_color_defaults' );
    	function forefront_get_color_defaults()
    		$forefront_color_defaults = array(
    			'header_background_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'header_text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'header_link_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'header_link_hover_color' => '',
    			'site_title_color' => '#222222',
    			'site_tagline_color' => '#999999',
    			'navigation_background_color' => '#004570',
    			'navigation_text_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'navigation_background_hover_color' => '#013454',
    			'navigation_text_hover_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'navigation_background_current_color' => '#013454',
    			'navigation_text_current_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'subnavigation_background_color' => '#dd5656',
    			'subnavigation_text_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'subnavigation_background_hover_color' => '#E87171',
    			'subnavigation_text_hover_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'subnavigation_background_current_color' => '#E87171',
    			'subnavigation_text_current_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'content_background_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'content_text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'content_link_color' => '',
    			'content_link_hover_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'content_title_color' => '',
    			'blog_post_title_color' => '#2D2D2D',
    			'blog_post_title_hover_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'entry_meta_text_color' => '#888888',
    			'entry_meta_link_color' => '#666666',
    			'entry_meta_link_color_hover' => '#D33232',
    			'h1_color' => '',
    			'h2_color' => '',
    			'h3_color' => '',
    			'sidebar_widget_background_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'sidebar_widget_text_color' => '#3a3a3a',
    			'sidebar_widget_link_color' => '#004570',
    			'sidebar_widget_link_hover_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'sidebar_widget_title_color' => '#000000',
    			'footer_widget_background_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'footer_widget_text_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'footer_widget_link_color' => '#858585',
    			'footer_widget_link_hover_color' => '#6f6f6f',
    			'footer_widget_title_color' => '#ffffff',
    			'footer_background_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'footer_text_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'footer_link_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'footer_link_hover_color' => '#d7ae5b',
    			'form_background_color' => '#FAFAFA',
    			'form_text_color' => '#666666',
    			'form_background_color_focus' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'form_text_color_focus' => '#666666',
    			'form_border_color' => '#CCCCCC',
    			'form_border_color_focus' => '#BFBFBF',
    			'form_button_background_color' => '#666666',
    			'form_button_background_color_hover' => '#606060',
    			'form_button_text_color' => '#FFFFFF',
    			'form_button_text_color_hover' => '#FFFFFF'
    		return $forefront_color_defaults;

    Thread Starter nizogo


    Kiitos selvennyksestä! 🙂

    SiteOrigin CSS plugari ajaa varmasti samanasian kuin custom css-plugari?

    Foorumi Teemat ja mallit
    In reply to: Logon venytys
    Thread Starter nizogo


    Kiitos vastauksesta,
    mutta valitettavasti sivut ovat localissa :/

    Mutta sain itse homman ratkaistua sillä että laitoin child teeman css:ään koodin:

    .inside-header {
        padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
        padding-top: 0px;
        padding-right: 0px;
        padding-bottom: 0px;
        padding-left: 0px;
        width: 100%;

    ja logoksi joku kuva joka on 2000px leveä.

    Foorumi Teemat ja mallit
    In reply to: Logon venytys
    Thread Starter nizogo


    Tapahtuuko muutos jotenkin tästä kohdasta?

    .site-logo {
    display: inline-block;
    *display: inline;
    *zoom: 1;
    max-width: 100%;

Esillä 10 vastausta, 1 - 10 (kaikkiaan 10)